Wednesday 7 December 2011

Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/ address your audience?

Below is the movie annotated; describing how it attracted the audience.

The below commentary is off video annotation:

Athe the start of the film, the use of non-diegetic sound straight away implies and foreshadows something horrible to happen. The atmosphere is tense as the Main Character is speaking to his wife, diegetic, is creates tension as it is not clear what is going on and how he suddenly has changed into a Janitor's suit? This reached out to the audience as a surprise as it was unexpected that he would do this. The Janitor is quite young, reflecting on the age certification of 15 as they are also young people, which would have attracted the audience and made them want to watch it more.

As the main character goes to the Janitor's cupboard, it is expected what he would do but the tap running noise is somewhat suspicious, again, telling the audience that something is not right and it in fact very unusual. Creating a sense of tension in the atmosphere. Suddenly he sees keys on the floor, the 5-6 second shot of the character looking at the key shows that he did not find that normal showing that the audience themselves would not find it normal. Then suddenly a man appears with an angry face indicating to his watch that the janitor must finish his job soon, relieving the audience for a few seconds but as soon as the radio cuts off, the man has disappeared, this creates more tension and the tension is also increased in the audience's mind.

The radio cuts off completely, something is definitle not right, the audience at this point would not expect what happens next. The janitor goes to the radio and tries to fiddle with it, suddenly hears a noise, the taps are running again. Enigma's are created; but he just closed the taps? No one went back there to open them as no one is supposed to be here? How did it happen? He closes them this time making sure that it won't occur again closing the door which is a predictable thing to do, as the audience would assume so, and suddenly he's found back inside the dark room but something has pulled him in. This would give the audience a sense of terror as it was completely unexpected, the enigma's created would be like this; How did he get pulled in? We just saw no one was there, what pulled it in? Why did the tap run again? Why did he not scream? The radio came back on? Why did it turn off? And how? Etc.

Overall, many different elements of the product gives something to look forward to and always created tension, breaking if off and building the same tension recurrently. This attracts the audience as they want to see what they expect, making them want to watch it more.

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